Thursday, March 27, 2008

Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always. - Dante Alighieri


The day started off with a lingering breakfast, and after that, a visit by Lidy to her beauty parlour. Russell was not allowed to stray too far from the beauty parlour, so for the time Lidy spent having herself made beautiful, Russell discovered 'IT City', just a mere fifty metres or so along the mall.

When Lidy had finished and had been transformed into Thai-Lidy, we had lunch and returned to our room. To our surprise, our room had been transformed into a flower garden. There were flowers everywhere (yes, even in the toilet), rose petals on the bed and a bowl of fruit (many of which we had not seen, much less eaten before)

Hotel staff surprised us on our wedding anniversary with rose petals strewn on the bed

The anniversary fruit

That night, Russell had prepared a special anniversary dinner for Lidy. They were to go to the leading French restaurant in Thailand, Le Crystal. The Le Crystal restaurant is where the Royal family of Thailand dine when in Chiang-Mai and is scenically located on the banks of the beautiful Mai Ping river.

The Le Crystal restaurant viewed from the gardens by the river Mai Ping

This is the restaurant were The Royal Family have dined when in Chang Mai. It is definately five star quality fine dining nestled, incongruously in amongst houses. While very expensive, it is well worth the expense as it is a dining experience not to be had in many other places in the world.

The Le Crystal Trio - Great dinner music!

Toast: Number 32

Mmmmmm. Dessert!

Russell - force feeding himself - Cheese and fruit (Yummmmm)

Flowers for Lidy over coffee

And then, all too soon, it was over. What a wonderful night we had. I know the experience will live with us in our memories for many years to come and will be an event that will be very difficult to beat in the future.

Oh, and did I mention how unobtrusive the wait staff were? So much so, we omitted to take their photograph.

If there is light in the soul, There will be beauty in the person. - Chinese Proverb


Lidy found a Beauty Salon and; having decided she liked the look of it and; the girls could speak passable English, booked herself in for a treatment (the treatment.)

At first glance the menu looked all gobble-de-gook.

Luckily, nearby Lidy found a menu in English.

Thai Menu

Unfortunately for Lidy, the hairdressers and beautician were working off a different menu. They could only speak a little (two or three words) English and could only read Thai. (The astute among you will have noticed there is no correlation between the two menus regarding prices. God only knows what relationship there is between the two languages!

Lidy settles in for what she thinks is going to be a facial and eyebrow tint.

Lidy's face is prepared for the treatment

The beautician holds Lidy down so the treatment can begin

Lidy's eyebrows are shaved in preparation for the...


Lidy now has beautifully tattooed eyebrows Thai style and, will forevermore be known as...
